What is TheoCaching?

TheoCaching is an spiritual adventure game. It uses a GuideSheet , a Bible, and GPS unit. TheoCaching involves adventure, reflection, team-work, discovery, and spiritual awareness. It relates to the ancient Christian practice of walking the Labrynth, but instead of a journey inward, it is a journey outward. As the quest is engaged, the participant becomes aware of both obvious and subtle encounters. The GPS unit allows the pilgrim to chart the path to greater understanding of how things connect. All pilgrims are asked to leave insights and reflections of their adventure on the theocaching website.


How do I create a Theocache with my church?

Locate important spiritual places in your community (churches, cemeteries, historical places) and get the GPS coords. Make a journey out of these locations and create a GuildSheet (this contains Scripture references and stories about the places). Form a team and give them the GuildSheet and the use of a portable GPS device. Let them make the journey and then come back together and discuss their adventure together and what they experienced.

The vision behind TheoCaching is to connect stories (of place and time) that reveal greater truths.  It is in these connections that we experience the presence and peace of God. Remember, the stronger the Story Arc, the more travelers will make the spiritual connections. (example: Story Arc- Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection)


02/27/2008 23:47

Vision within TheoCaching

The vision within TheoCaching is to have individuals and churches set up...
02/27/2008 23:41

Is TheoCaching a part of Geocaching? If so, how?

Yes. The Geocaching community is very open to new variations. In facts,...
02/27/2008 23:05

What are the guidelines for TheoCaching?

Guidelines are very simple: 1. Follow the process as given on the...
02/19/2008 16:14

What is the Cache?

A cache is an important discovery, a hidden treasure, a pearl of great...
10/11/2007 16:13

Website has been launched

Our new website has been launched today. TheoCaching has a new home. We...


Jerome Smith


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Journey Logbook

Date 02/28/2008
By Jerome
Subject Around the Lake

The journey around Lake Junaluska involves many points, including the Chapel, Cross, Garden, Rose Walk and more. A very peaceful and fulfilling walk.


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